2021's britains g7 in cornwall looks likely to be as conflicted as g7 gleneagles 2005- year of end poverty that became 7/7
[7:23 AM, 1/17/2021] Chris Macrae: yesterday the new deadline for changing to bottom up economics and covid leap foward was announced - britains g7 in june https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/jan/16/carbis-bay-in-cornwall-to-host-g7-summit-in-june
[7:24 AM, 1/17/2021] Chris Macrae: to understand why this is the deadline look at keynes quote i have inserted at top of blog www.economisthealth.com
[7:25 AM, 1/17/2021] Chris Macrae: to understand why g7 will end all hope of leaping forward study the last 2 times g7 was hosted in uk
[7:26 AM, 1/17/2021] Chris Macrae: in 2005 the stupid blair and bush aimed to replace their legacy of iraq war with uk end poverty year and bush embracing global health something jim kim soros gates and abed had just united round
[7:29 AM, 1/17/2021] Chris Macrae: but instead of hosting the event in london they took all of britians security to scotland, in london 7/7 teror attacks killed my main non-falimy mentor - the health agenda including end viruses was lost, gordon brown who actually did all the content work for blair soon became prime minister but before he could do anything the subprime crisis demolished his reputation
[7:30 AM, 1/17/2021] Chris Macrae: britain g7 2013 was the more aburd - led by david camern- he wanted to help chage the eu from the inside especially as it was still subpriming border countries ie anyone that didnt do want germany's euro funded - but before doing that he launched the referendum
[7:32 AM, 1/17/2021] Chris Macrae: there is no way boris can change the 4 evils who dominate the g7 - usa-eu-france-germany- his invitation of india and australia advances pompeos disastous quad /and so decoupling asian technology which at its best is grounded in community
[7:33 AM, 1/17/2021] Chris Macrae: we are now in 10th year of publishing journal of bottom up economics- we need a special issue to come out late may to be the antidote of g7 njune or at least to set up cop26 agendas separate to g7
[7:38 AM, 1/17/2021] Chris Macrae: probably the only person in bangladesh who can help vincent if needed is wahiduddin mahmud -how we get to gordon brown is probably through british ambassador butideally it would involve both jim kim andmalloch brown as supporting witnesses- it would help a heck of a lot if they also added the irish-scottish female vice chancellor of oxford- she gets adam smith and has schwarzmans funds to renew rhodes as the crosscultural ethical and arts triangularisation of the engineers at mit and at tsinghua
[7:41 AM, 1/17/2021] Chris Macrae: of course gordon brown is connecting korea and uae this year- neither of those two are included in britains g7- sadly while financiers will end trump pompeos decoupling races on as does covids rage- ironically how astra zeneca is shared will be the main practical map of next 6 months www.astra.place
[7:42 AM, 1/17/2021] Chris Macrae: i cant find any part of osun that is on this timeline but maloch brown is on soros global board so he will know what other networks of soros exist in time for 2021 leap forward
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