in november amzon announced that it is extending where its brains hub to 3 cities - seattle, new york long island quuens, abd crystmal city technically virgina but DCor DMV to those of us who live in DC suburbs
lets assume that amazon purpose in hubbing 3 cities is to progress education of youth so that more are amazon-ready as potential brainworkers as relevant to being america's number 1 iternet generation company - then who in new york and dc is doing stuff that amazon's new collegiate networks including one designed round amazon criustal city pitch involving virgina tech's knowhow
here's what rockefeller hq in new york believes to be progress inj unibersal health
chris, This year, the world is celebrating the first official International Universal Health Coverage Day. Every year on December 12th, #UHCDay will serve as a reminder of the progress we have made as well as the challenges ahead on the road to achieving health for all.
Many believe that universal health coverage sounds too difficult or expensive to achieve, but decades of experience in both rich and poor countries has shown that investing in health for everyone, especially the poorest and most marginalized, is achievable and that it pays for itself many times over. Countries that invest in strong primary health care, including well-trained, well-paid community health workers, are seeing dramatic gains—particularly for women and children. We believe that in order to realize the goals set out by the Astana Declaration, which links primary health care as a key foundation of universal health coverage, we must build partnerships to unlock the potential of community health. This commitment follows our long history of transformative work in health—from eradicating hookworm in the American South, to launching the field of public health, to seeding the development of the life-saving yellow fever vaccine.
As we continue to work together to make #HealthforAll a reality everywhere, we invite you to be energized by this new, interactive documentary platform on the past, present, and future of this movement. We are certain that, like us, you will come away inspired to advocate for change in your country and community.
The Evolving Story of Health for All
A new, interactive documentary on universal health coverage shows a modern struggle with ancient roots.
Global Collaboration for Community Health
The Community Health Roadmap will elevate national priorities and create a common agenda for investments in community health.
Lessons From Alma-Ata
Realizing the future of health for all means looking back on what the world has learned since the Astana Declaration.
The Way to Stronger Health Systems
We brought together a global panel of experts to explore the role of community health workers.
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