Japanthanks.com August 8, Olympics Closing Ceremony - Why Bach Can't lose by announcing suspension of summer olympics until covid slayed

Thursday, April 9, 2020

58 years of american ad agencies destroying trust of local heroines eg nurses- peak reached 6.22pm tonite- trump announces his main efforts in the last stockmarket day before easter spent bailing out airlines and saving oil economy of putin and saudi arabia- of the 4 main commercial media in dc region only nbc covered live and the for 9 minutes before interrupting with local bad news- why arent the ceos of usa mass media and trump the least popular people in usa- ah well they represent usa' 50 richest not the rest of the people and definitely not last mile month trump sees oil at 25 dollars as more catastrophic than more american lives lost  to virus than 9/11 or anything including world war 2 since great depression

chicago jail now number 1 virus cluster hub
in total nursing homes remain number one cluster across states borders eg in virginia one thirds of daths one nursing cente - governors still havent learnt from washingon's parklawn
new yorks 3 medi savours - mercy ship, javis cind=fereence centre , church so underusef that 745army personnel now volunteer to go serve hospitals- trumps lakety oence ckaims this is brillant policy
nbc covers county governor praising blak heroine who conitnued greeting supermarlet custmers in spite of her widely know pre-existing condition

the first case in korea and usa was publicly known on same day- peoples can bless moon jae-in - who's responsible insde beltway for 10 times more deaths and even more market destruction only you can search out

probably most us nurses will look for another profession once virus is contained- as their network will return to being impoverished by every other us health system - lawyers insurance hospitals pharma politicians fleeces- why would any nurse who is also a parent continue after this crisis
and now for something completely different out of china-
mapping norte most us infections came from european aitlines and cruises not china directly

wuhan nurses handbook from jack ma
Reporters’ Notebook: Our 76 Days Locked Down in Wuhan from caixin

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