Japanthanks.com August 8, Olympics Closing Ceremony - Why Bach Can't lose by announcing suspension of summer olympics until covid slayed

Friday, September 13, 2019

time to sack half the people at the fda and top politicians of bot bipolar parties at dept of health

failed on preventing flavors and vaping as even more deal than  cigarettes

failed on opiods- today the brand of baby hea;lth acre stands accused of marketing the ingredient that made opiod 20- tmes more addictive as well as not keeping asbesos out of a product it marketed for babies and womens bottoms #metoo -as do all the big sad brands of  last big box retail sector that it smeed to make sense to have real instead of virtual outlets

failed on affordable drug innovation

completely misunderstand that  transparency of big public data is what ai of health for all depends on-dont blame china on the loss of american greatness blame the fda and every member of congress who has accepted money from vested interests making american healthcare double the cost of other comparable "smart" nations
a great american failure

opportunity ai of health can renew youth safety and innovation in every community- so far this century what has america actually innovated that the rest of the world needs to trade let alone our children need to learn

once we have sorted out the fda it will be time to put a tenth of congress in jail for not telling the truth on climate or on local safety crises eg automatic guns- there is no excuse for being personally funded by people who make money killing off our youth and the world's sustainability

there is a probably cancer causing chemical in zantac- ok its low level but how did it get there

and as for national institites of health sittiing on the fence - sad very sad- if a country's doctors dont lead conscoiusness thge nation has nowehere safe to trust

GRONK estimates he had 20 concussions
failure of the american game (football) to design rules that end nfl players life expectancy being 10 year less than any other fit network of americans-failure of all major tv networks to support the superstars who generate its profits

how montgomery works with ice - lack of mental health of racial integration - incompetent montgomery ceo - honest but totally misadvised on how to commuicate on fubdamental matters of public safety and health

4th amendment out of date-
madness michelle malkin  - see also economistasia and economistisrael

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