Japanthanks.com August 8, Olympics Closing Ceremony - Why Bach Can't lose by announcing suspension of summer olympics until covid slayed

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Digitize Belt Road

Huge news - DIGITAL COOPERATION Antonio Guterres has organised an all star panel led by Jack Ma and Melinda Gates to report back on how digital cooperation changes the world -its economies, socoeties, and SDGs - at warp speed.

- its 9 month reporting cycle should make this one of the hottest reports for 100 national leaders to share at Xi Jinping's Belt Road 2  --- May 2019 Beijing

Belts to watch closely:

The Arctic Circle Belt - in spite of america's fake news, the reality is USA and Russia must talk about the Arctic Belt now and  China can help mediate. America's media is just about the worst curse under 30s have to live with. We all need to help Russia envision a world in which Russian people have as much opportunity to sustain the future as everyone else. Anyne who has studied climate more than 60 seconds knows:
1 Arctic Circle is Critical
 Russia as world's biggest country needs new trading relationships if t is ever to join in green energising the world

Now that India has joined the SCO the opportunity is on for landlocked eurasia's countries may be freed by corridors to the the belt that connects gulf, suez and med (ie the opposite route to the as yet unpopular icebreaker route). Now that bangaldesh is partnering Jack ma in the finetch race to bank the 2 billion poorest of Chia's neighbors, it is time the world invested in belt roads linking in Bangladesh (the nation through no fault of kts own that was dealt misery making borders by the wat the Brits did Indepedence of the Indian subcontinent

Celebrating a ;peaceful return by N Koreans to the world depends on ending 3 local rivalaries between japan chine and korea. Of course both Russia and USA have historic stakes in Korea but over 70 years after world war 2 - isnt it time China and S Korea made peace with Japan...

You only have tp look at all nations that face the med sea belt to see how much the EU has dismally spiralled (driven by mlortherned like germany with no share in the med sea). As Romano Prodi briefed Chinese students in 2017, until the EU stops externalisng onto its mebers tha share th Med Sea, Africa will always get left out of win-win trading roites the ssutainability genertion needs to colaboratively map.

Whilre Amerca has taken itself out of win-win trade mapping even with its only 2 direct neigbors _Canada and Mexico - Latin America is msart if it actively ;particilates in Belt Ropad 2 May 2019 as uses Argentina G20 in Novemenr as  stepping stone

Anyone who thinks that the SDGs have a bats chnace in hell with

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