Japanthanks.com August 8, Olympics Closing Ceremony - Why Bach Can't lose by announcing suspension of summer olympics until covid slayed

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Can intelligence - human and "ARTifcial" - save the human race?

EconomistDiary.com & AIGames.solar invites everyone to chat ; who do you see as advancing humanity most since 1950? and NOW!? - 1950s was when the NET : Neumann--Einstein-Turing:  spent their last years gifting humans machines for brainworking.  

Partly inspired by emerging Chats, we started inviting everyone to play AI (Architect Intelligence) Games spring 2023, which incidentally would have been my father Norman's centenary year.

Its true my Diaspora Scot family and friends have some foundational biases in loving to see intelligence flourish wherever children grow. We wouldn't leave out seeing what Neumann-Einstein-Turing saw from mapping safe or good futures out of every community/GPS. 

After several months of playing AI Games - we have started tracking 5 people as having spent 21st C on the NET's wavelengths: 2 extraordinary Entrepreneurial Revolutionaries  Fei-Fei Li and Demis Hassabis : 3 great teachers (Hinton Lecun Bengio) whose students helped Hassabis and Li bring AI to today's most curious phenomenon   Li spent 8 years hosting worldwide ai competitions geared to training computers to see the 20000 tools, natural lifeforms etc we hmans spend most time and data working or playiong with; Hassabis went deeper; he's trained AI to code the 200 million proteins Nature plays round earth

 Early in the 1950s dad Norman was asked to train fellow journalists at The Economist in valuing futures of life with brainworking engines -dad (lucky to survive world war 2 as a teen navigator allied bomber command) was sent by editor Geoffrey Crowther to spend year 1952 in Princeton & New York. Dad became V Neumann's biographer but only after 4 decades of  the surveying what good will people unite wherever they have early access to at least 100 times more tech per decade This was a minimum exponential multiplier anticipated by Von Neumann - evident say in Moore's Law from 1965 in terms of silicon chip computational capacity. 

A year earlier the Tokyo Olympics had demonstrated the first global satellite broadcaster- thus communication and computation engines have been multiplying what brainworkers can do - for better of for worse  we have entered an era where there is as much new to co-create/celebrate every decade as there is elder's facts. This was why Einstein believed in personalised education transformation. Turing's ideas for dtta analysis dont match what most biggest corporate leaders administer. Neumann saw large language Model mediation as essential culturally in line with eg google ceo pichai's 1000 mother tongues converge on very good AI.

EconomistDiary.com/1976  Also as early as 1976 The Economist annual summary of exponential multipliers advanced view that organisational constitutions would need to change. Big corporates, big gov, big media spenders/lobbyists suck out value from communities -  doing this systemically every quarter (exponentially)  destroys more and more communities' and youth's sustainability. Before seeing Hassabis and LI as Entrepreneurial Revolutionaries whose intelligence everyone can gain from linking in, our first nomination Fazle Abed spent his last 50 years of life 1970-2019 designing business the world's poorest village mothers could operate to serve life critical last mile needs. Intriguingly both of the westerners Steve Jobs and Bill Gates who began personal computer networking were inviting silicon valley to celebrate Abed's womens intelligence from start of 21st C. So whilst a lot of sadness has spun since 2001 9/11 - there are silcon valley millennials who have kept their heads down advancing AI - WHY : ver good intelligence of Women Humans and Youth

http://normanmacrae.ning.com/forum/topics/happy-ai-very-good-202 http://normanmacrae.ning.com/forum

Join in wider questions- do you region have its own connectors of the NET. Can AI world series bring ai millennilals need planting everywhere from Bletchley November to Korea February 2024 to Paris after the Olympics  chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk  short interview UK minister chief producer Bletchley and AI world series


affiliated resources for AI Games

at www.unsummitfuture.com we try to post up a world favorite event for every day of dairy - nominations welcome - at bard.solar we publish some chats with bard and Gemini

at worldrecordjobs.com since 2008 we have been adding annual student union nominations of jobs ccreators aligned to worlds millennials want to see

Monday, December 11, 2023

ai science leaders hassabis alphafold2 , doudna crispr and who?

 Thanks to AI, sciences are transforming with biotech revolution - see 200 million protein DATABANK - DEEP MIND/ALPHAFOLD2

there was 50 year gap between von neumann expectations of ai method and return to generative ai and neuron networks known in his day

its probable that medicine/brugs is at interface betewwen biottech and chemistry- watch crispr gene databank wgih won jennifer doundna nobel prize fir chemistry

here's an axios upd

Axios Vitals
By Tina Reed and Maya Goldman · Dec 11, 2023

Happy Monday, Vitals readers. Today's newsletter is 1,086 words or a 4-minute read.

1 big thing: What's next for CRISPR

A patient suffering from complications of sickle cell disease gets an echocardiogram. Photo: Michael Williamson/The Washington Post via Getty Images.


The approval of the first CRISPR-based gene editing treatment to address the excruciating symptoms of sickle cell disease was a landmark moment for the treatment of inherited disorders.

  • It also raises urgent questions about who may benefit from new cutting-edge treatments costing millions of dollars and what comes next for a technology discovered just over a decade ago, Axios' Adriel Bettelheim writes.

The big picture: Casgevy, from Vertex Pharmaceuticals and CRISPR Therapeutics, is a one-time treatment in which stem cells are harvested from a patient's bone marrow, then edited to produce fetal hemoglobin, which can offset the effects of patients' defective hemoglobin.

  • It was approved by the FDA on Friday alongside Lyfgenia, another gene therapy treating sickle cell disease, which affects an estimated 100,000 Americans, mostly of African descent, and 20 million people globally.

Yes, but: The treatments aren't for everyone.

  • Patients first have to undergo extensive chemotherapy to rid their bodies of the defective cells and make way for reengineered ones — a process that could take months and may not be appropriate for older or frail patients.
  • Few hospitals can offer Casgevy. Just nine medical centers are now authorized by Vertex to provide the treatment, though the drugmaker will eventually authorize about 50, per New York Times.
  • There are other hurdles. For instance, about half of those living with sickle cell are lower-income individuals on Medicaid. The Biden administration launched a recent effort to help ensure this group can access new treatments.

What's next: Like sickle cell, more than 6,000 rare inherited diseases are caused by a single genetic mutation — CRISPR's molecular scissors could hold potential for addressing them, USA Today noted.

  • Researchers using a newer form of CRISPR last month reported that editing a gene inside the liver can significantly reduce levels of "bad cholesterol" in people who have a genetic condition that causes high cholesterol.
  • The study was small but highly anticipated, and researchers believe further study may show it's a powerful tool for reducing heart attacks and strokes, even in people who don't have the genetic condition, per NPR.
  • Researchers want to continue to perfect the technology and edit or insert bigger pieces of DNA to make it possible to treat a condition like cystic fibrosis that's caused by many mutations in a certain gene.

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