Japanthanks.com August 8, Olympics Closing Ceremony - Why Bach Can't lose by announcing suspension of summer olympics until covid slayed

Sunday, July 12, 2020

from spaces that value youthbreaking new nbc 6.45pm no pediatricians surveyed have seen any info that kids under 10 spread the virus- if you have some evidence please send us bookmark... www.economisthealth.com

Friday, July 3, 2020

boris johnson declaration of interdependence- fly over to jinping - start sharing every english and chinese connection between epidemiologist and vaccine inventors

ditto every climate and green solution- boris should be very meek but resolute thanking 8 million hong kongers for having mediated for 160 years the clash of english and chinese languages  and consciences until today no 8 million people contribute more to the other 99.9% than those of hong kong- if needs be hire the best teacher of english as a foreign language to write up actions from your conversations into a k-12 curriculum

do not come back boris until you have bridged the 160 year mess that began when brits told chinese they had to accept opium as a currency for all their wonderful goods

if you need help boros backchat to prince charles he did a similarly remarkable reconciliation with the japanese at tokyo olympics 1964 a story that became the st james economist favorite to replay oier its next 25 years of becoming a one in a kind global (happy news for humanity and trillion times moore tech) viewspaper

more details here and here and at worldrecordjobs.com

Thursday, July 2, 2020

reshad and nakamura - japan and afghanistan hopes

Mar 20, 2020 - Over three months have passed since Japanese doctor Tetsu Nakamura was killed in Afghanistan. The extent of his legacy is already clear.

The Karez Health and Educational Services were established to improve medical and educational activities in Kandahar prefecture in the south-west of Afghanistan, in July 25, 2002. ... Dr Khaled Reshad Receives the Healthy Society Award.

Dec 4, 2019 - "I love seeing a village that's been brought back to life." Japanese doctor Tetsu Nakamura was renowned for his work building irrigation ...
Missing: reshad ‎| Must include: reshad
Dec 18, 2019 - Tetsu Nakamura, the Japanese doctor who had for long been dedicated to rebuilding Afghanistan, was killed by unidentified gunmen on ...
Missing: reshad ‎| Must include: reshad
21 hours ago - Khaled Reshad's day job is running a local medical clinic in Japan, but he also works to build hospitals and schools in his home country of Afghanistan.... ... of Afghanistan. We speak with DrReshad about his work. Direct Talk
In an interview with NHK, H.E. President Dr. Mohammad Ashraf Ghani asserted ... they met to discuss the logistics for DrReshad's NGO to build convalescent ...

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Aug 26, 2014 - Reshad also runs Karez no kai, an NPO for those in his homeland ... Born in the city of Kandahar and raised in the capital, Kabul, Reshad came ...
Apr 14, 2012 - Lecture:, Khaled ReshadDoctor / Executive Director of Karez Health ... Karez Health & Educational Service, in the Kandahar region under the ...