Japanthanks.com August 8, Olympics Closing Ceremony - Why Bach Can't lose by announcing suspension of summer olympics until covid slayed

Thursday, June 10, 1971

 From Me to Everyone:  12:55 PM

my favorite India education project https://www.google.com/search?q=sunita+global+dream&oq=sunita+global+dream&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30.14128j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

my favorite Asian partnerships www.abedmooc.com

my co-blogs www.youthmarkets.com www.economistasia.net

connect LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/aksheyaa-akilan-2587a8147/?originalSubdomain=in

From Aksheyaa Akilan to Everyone:  01:04 PM

Hello Satwik

Thank you for joining us today!

From Satwik Saxena to Everyone:  01:04 PM


From Aksheyaa Akilan to Everyone:  01:05 PM

Manojj is the Project & Research officer for Hibiscus Foundation He is explaining the projects we do

Delighted to have you here, would love to hear from you and the work you do after manojj :)

From Manojj/He,Him/India to Everyone:  01:06 PM

Thank you! Ill be leaving for now and join back later! Have a wonderful session ahead!

From Aksheyaa Akilan to Everyone:  01:06 PM

Thank yo umanojj

From Abhirami Rao to Everyone:  01:10 PM


From Me to Everyone:  01:10 PM

can we share email chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk

From Abhirami Rao to Everyone:  01:11 PM


Noted Christopher sir, thank you for joining us :)

From Me to Everyone:  01:11 PM

whatssapp +1 240 316 8157

From Satwik Saxena to Everyone:  01:14 PM

+91 9661862757

From Abhirami Rao to Everyone:  01:15 PM

Thank you for your contact details, Satwik!

We’ll be in touch