q1 why and when did media alumni of von neumann's Q 100 times more tech prioritise apps to health service Shot answer look at this Economist survey in 1984 written by dad in parallel to our 1984 book 2025 report prioritising every exponential challenge of millennials as sustainability genmeration longer answer: Having survived his last days as a teen allied bomber command burma, my father did not want anyone kids to go through wars again-; he enjoyed 4 extraordinary journalism scoops 1945-1955: At cambridge keynes explianed increasing futures are designed by the handful of economists who scribblings become legislation; dad went to wrk at the economist where editor Geoffrey Crowther (who had also edited the 9143 cenetenary autobio of The Economits0 explained the newspapers was founded round questioning 3 stories - how to end poverty; how to end hunger; what was next big change that needed to be massively innovated for good to prevent doing harm; the economist send dad to new yrok for a year 1951 where he heard of the next big chnage from von neumann : ask leaders what they'll do with 100 times more etch every decade 1955 to 2025. In 1955 dad was the only journalist at Messina birtj of Europena Union Florenec Nightinglae was onloy the most memorable of many stories dad used to tell on how heatly societies inter-generate string economies not vice versa. The data has been proven and over where the elast developed nations increase life expectancy from 40s to 60s. Thing about how 20 yeras of extra productiuve life chnages how much a society is p0reopared to spend time on education So if much more tech was to compound valuable purpose understanding how it made last mile health better coulld be make o9r break. There wre other mathematical reasons to- the maths of chaos theory explains the more worldwide conbnecetd we are the more we need ai of pandemic prevention. With von neumann's family we are currently piloting AI Hall of Fame- which tech geniii do which places most want their youth to linkin? Seraching for AI Hall of Fame Health is an absolute priority of all the families that have done bigraphies of von neumann or indeed of the scottish entereprenurial school of economist which started with Adam Smith and continued with anyone who has enjoyed The Economist's surveys of Entrepreneurial Revolution . There is an awkward footnote- in year 17 of James Wilso dbeating with queen voictoria how to go beyond dismal empire she sent him to calcutta to charter a cank by and for the people sof india. There he dfied of diarrhea- it took another 110 years for vilage Asian women to discover diarrhea can be cured by mixing boiled water sugar and salt in exatct proprtions. From 1970 this life saving cure became the most important educational practice across a billion women- wherever vilage mothers across teh asian tropics knew of oral rehydration life exopectancy peapt forwards | q2 why does usa spend over 3 times more of health than most people but have the worst performance on covid deaths? loving fanily communities dont need to spend much on adversiting for good solutions to replicatr wherever people like mothers app oir network- i hope to see the day when men value last mile heatly collaboration as much as women but while women have a c;ser relations to mother nature than males it seems obvious that covid-era america will become a case study of the worst that advertising can do to health of all over decades i have come across // questions- so in poland soon after the country freed itself from ussr i was asked where ere the bbc's lbraries that nurses can economically learn how to do operation from - young people couldnt beleive the the bc world service spent so much on enetrtaimn ment but so little on helping train nusres; ironically the same question rose at the bbc conberage of the london olympics - the opening ceremeony celebrate britain's 2 greatest invesntions nursing and learning versions of the worldwide web -after 1 hoiur covering that stiry the bbc didnt change its total blindness to nursing and coding in spite of having just transmitted the message to bilions of people- its very peculaira because the bbc has had more invetsed in it by the peopel (not by government, not by comerce) than any broiadcasr=t media but it seemns to have been behind the curve on every area of sustainability braidcasting - even its voice is now quite loud on nature/climate it tooh far too long to encoureage its nature braidcasters - see david attenborough testimony on that q3 how did the lowest cost last mile health service raise life expectancy by 25 years and what can be learnt next wherever younger half of world wants to sustain health and safety- have a look at economiswomen.com - it tooks us 12 yeras of visists to south asia to note half a cenbtury of advanaces on last mile vilage health care focus on maternal and infant services; interesting at MIT we met a nigerain female graduate who has innovated that country's first flying docctor service and nw she knows costs of both basic and hi-cost health delivery her reports on designing healkth services for Afdricans are as ggoid as we have seen (by the way the professor who designed enetrepeneur competitions across the whole of MIT also applauded Ola |
last mile health depends on the smilplest parctices being colaboratively shared nit costly media or ambulance chasing lawyers - my uncle QC David Kemp once got Britain's Lord Chancellor fired but misinforming the peoples on such costs
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